A Day at the Office

JC: This is exciting. A little taste of corporate America.

Jesus: Yeah, it really is nice to be so close to The People.

JC: This would be us if we had regular jobs! The daily life of two every day Joes!

Jesus: ...

JC: Okay, it would be me if I had a regular job.

Jesus: It sure is pretty neat. They have lots of pencils. I like pencils.

JC: Here we go! Embarking on our first journey into the thrilling lives of the common folk!


Jesus: This is a little more boring than I expected.

JC: No kidding. I should write a song about it.

Jesus: Uh. Okay.

JC: How's that zen rock garden?

Jesus: It's very soothing.

JC: See! I thought so, too. I got Lance one but I don't think he's used it.

Jesus: Is it lunch time yet?

JC: Uh, no. But here--let's read our horoscopes! Jesus, what's your sign?

Jesus: ...

JC: Like, when's your birthday?

Jesus: ...

JC: Jesus! Are you listening? When's your birth--Oh.

Jesus: Heh.

JC: So, Capricorn...

Jesus: She's pretty.

JC: Hm. Yeah.

Jesus: Is she your girlfriend?

JC: Uh, I. No. She, um. No.

Jesus: Oh.

JC: She, uh. She used to. Be, my girlfriend.

Jesus: Oh, I see.

JC: Hm.

Jesus: She is pretty.

JC: ...Yeah.

JC: ...then their nemesis is like, this crazy monkey with a big hat on. It's really cool.

Jesus: Oh. That's neat.

JC: You'd really like it.

Jesus: Is this--is this important? I mean, shouldn't we be doing something else?

JC: Like what?

Jesus: Like...working. Maybe we should--ooh, nice job, that looks really good.

JC: Aw, thank you Jesus. Your part looks good, too.

Jesus:...so then Peter says, That's not how Moses did it!

JC: Oh man, that's harsh.

Jesus: Yeah, it was okay though. Andrew really let him have it. Plus, like, I had other stuff to worry about.

JC: Totally. I mean, totally.

Jesus: They were good guys. I miss them.

JC: Yeah. I know what you mean.

JC: Bye! Thanks, corporate America!

Jesus: Goodbye! Thank you for letting us visit!

JC: We really enjoyed, uh. The stuff. Um. That you do. It was. Interesting.

Jesus: Yeah, uh. I think I'll have a talk with "management" about this whole idea, if you know what I mean.

JC: Ooh, good idea.

Jesus: I'm not sure if this was exactly the plan.

JC: Yeah, I feel sort of dead inside. I think I need a milkshake.

Jesus: Ooh, strawberry.

JC: Whoo! I'm buyin'!

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